
Monday, June 24, 2013

Veggie Frittatas for Two

Happy Meatless Monday, once again! Tonight I'm making one of my favorite protein-filled vegetarian dishes. It's basically a very light omelette; good for lazy days and those days when you don't have much left in the refrigerator. I make this a lot when I have guests because I can stick two or three in the oven at once with different ingredients. When it's just the two of us (which is most of the time), I will usually just make one and have some side dishes, but occasionally we'll split two. Anyway...

What you need:
3 eggs
1/2 c. milk
Cut up vegetables
Shredded cheese
Salt and pepper, to taste

Beat together eggs, milk, salt and pepper. Pour into greased 8X8 round baking dish. Add any other desired ingredients. Bake 25-30 minutes at 350.

C'est simple!
Two pies! One is tomato & cheddar, the other broccoli & swiss!

It's great to have options!

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